Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How did he do that?

Matt and I find ourselves asking each other that a lot lately. On Father's Day we were out to lunch when I had to go out to the car to change Jackson. He was fussy so I let him play with my keys to keep him occupied long enough to change his diaper. I heard the trunk click and didn't think too much about it. I just thought to myself, "make sure to close the trunk". When we were leaving the restaurant I remembered the trunk I told Matt to check it. I told him the whole story about Jackson playing with the keys. He looked at me funny and reminded me that the clicker didn't open the trunk (we bought our car used and had keyless entry added - they told me at the dealership that they couldn't add it for the trunk so the button on the clicker wouldn't work). I remember pushing it before and it hadn't worked. Jackson had figured it out - sure enough hold it down for three seconds and click the trunk pops up. I don't know how many times he has made something come up on the TV or computer screen that we have never seen, not to mention all of the calls he has already made on his PaPa's phone! He is definitely a button pusher. Next time I can't figure something out I think I will hand it over to Jackson and let him try!

Always happy to go somewhere

1 comment:

  1. They always say.....your kids end up smarter than you and teach you things! Makennah does that all the time - isn't that so funny?!?!?
