Saturday, January 23, 2010

Build a Bear (or Monkey)

We were really looking forward to going to the Fort Worth Stockshow with my sister Amy, her husband Chris, my niece Madeline and my parents. However, we decided against going because of the rain. We hated for the kids to miss out on a fun day together so we went to Build a Bear instead. Jackson was so excited from the moment we walked into the store. He loved all of the animals but settled on the monkey. I wasn't surprised at his choice. He loves monkeys!

Thankfully he had Madeline there to show him how Build a Bear works. She has been there several times so she knew just what to do. She was there with him each step of the way and helped him work the peddle to start the stuffing machine, helped him pick out a heart for his monkey, showed him how to give it a bath, and name it. They had a blast today. I will never forget his excitement. I loved watching them have this experience together.

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